

Bologna - The Nobel Prize in medicine, Luc Montagnier, raises the connection between vaccines and autism.
And it is immediately controversy. According to the French biologist, vaccinations - when administered concomitantly with anti-inflammatory - may have "deleterious effects on the brain" of the infant, unleashing "the onset of autism." "It 'gibberish, there is no evidence on such sensitive issues should be more' cautious," warns Gianni Rezza, head of Infectious Diseases Department of the ISS.

"Many parents do not have more confidence in vaccinations" because "sometimes there is a temporal relationship between the vaccine and autism-related symptoms. This does not mean a relationship of cause and effect but vaccines, along with other elements, may be factors triggers of pre-existing conditions "linked to autism, Montagnier said during a lecture held in Bologna on the occasion of the 42nd national conference of the Association of doctors in hospitals directions.

"Do not do vaccinations - suggested the French biologist - when other" infections are present in the child. In this context, the hypothesis endorsed by the scientist is that "the addition of anti-inflammatory factors in infants can have deleterious effects in the brain so probably trigger the onset of autism." A circumstance, which again according to the doctor, can be associated to vaccinations "because with the onset of fever, your pediatrician recommends the use of anti-inflammatory".

"Correlation Speaking between vaccines and autism or correlation between anti-inflammatory drug, vaccine and autism, without bringing any scientific documentation in support, makes me think that Luc Montagnier maybe need to undergo him to a neurological evaluation and not the kids vaccinated" says AGI Susanna Esposito, director of Unity of pediatrics intensive care Fondazione IRCCS Ca 'Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico University of Milano and president Waidid (World Association for infectious diseases and immunological disorders).

"The statements of the Nobel in fact they have no scientific basis and somewhat puzzled leave me", states Esposito. "First, we highlight once again that there is no association between vaccines and autism, as shown by numerous studies on the subject now. And nor are scientific data that suggest a possible correlation between pre-existing infections , use of anti-inflammatory drugs, vaccine and autism. It 'a fact that the child should not be vaccinated if you have a fever, but not lest developments autism, but only for any problems related to the interpretation of the persistence of temperature".

"Montagnier should bring evidence, studies, scientific evidence. And on the one that says there is no evidence, nothing," stressed the infectious disease Rezza. "He speaks of 'temporal associations' - attacks the director of the Department ISS infectious diseases, interviewed by AGI - but it is a meaningless speech. It' s like if I say that, after making the vaccine, I go out and I'm invested the tram is the fault of the vaccine. I think everyone can say what they want, although there is no scientific evidence, as in this case, but on such delicate issues that have important effects on people's lives should be more 'cautious. "

Professor at the Institute Pasteur, President of the World Foundation for Research and Prevention of AIDS, Montagnier discovered HIV in 1983, along with researchers Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Robert Gallo. In 2008 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.


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